Hello, I'm Kelly, the founder of Old Soul Coaching, where I serve as a Spiritual Grief and Honoring / Certified Psychosynthesis Guide. Some Psychosynthesis practitioners refer to the client as the traveler and the coach as the guide. The traveler chooses the path, and the guide joins them on their journey. The guide follows the lead of the traveler, believing that the traveler has the inner wisdom needed for healing, growth, and transformation. Psychosynthesis is a beautiful modality that holds all that we are without judgment; the light, the dark, are lovingly embraced. This practice allows the guide to provide a sacred space for the traveler to flow around and through their journey with grief in an authentic way that also creates space to be with it instead of bypassing it. As a Psychosynthesis and Grief and Honoring guide, my coaching approach is based on this belief as well, and I am excited to share it with the world!
My own experience includes a transformational period that at times felt like a death due to the grief and finality of the situation. Some might call the experience a Dark Night of the Soul. I knew there was no going back and that this would change my outlook on the world. What I did not anticipate was the growth that would come from it. It marked the end of a relationship and a timeline that had been controlling my life. The loss of this timeline was actually more significant than the end of the relationship. I struggled for a long time to make this change and was held back by my fear of the unknown. I was attached to this timeline because I believed it was the key to my dreams . Eventually, through spiritual exploration and facing my own pain and grief, I arrived at the realization that the unknown was a better option than staying in that particular relationship. Tarot cards have always resonated with me as a tool for guidance. When I pulled the Death card, it became clear that I was ready for a significant transformation . This card indicates that changes can be painful, but they often need to happen for growth. I now refer to these types of experiences as "Growth from Death" . I believe this term honors both the pain and the beauty that can come from transformation.
Embodying the qualities of an old soul, I possess a deep and intuitive presence that allows me to connect with clients on a soul level. This quality serves as a foundation for my work as a Grief and Honoring Guide, where I draw upon my personal experiences to guide others through their own "Growth from Death" transformations. Sometimes, transformational experiences can feel like diving into the darkness of the unknown. Imagine having someone dive in with you; how would that change your transformational journey? Together we can work to uncover the mysteries of your transformational journey, seek inner wisdom, and foster growth that leads to profound alignment and a deeper connection with your soul.
About Me

A Glimpse into Psychosynthesis
Roberto Assagioli, known as the father of Psychosynthesis, developed a unique approach to psychology. Psychosynthesis is described in various ways, but my personal favorites are "a psychology with a soul" and "two souls having a conversation." This spiritual psychology offers a range of tools and strategies, as well as a map of the psyche, called the Egg Diagram. By symbolically flowing through this map, both travelers and guides can collect what is needed for healing and growth, leading to a deeper connection with our authentic selves and spiritual maturity.
My Approach to Working with Psychosynthesis:
Foster a safe space for clients to be present with their feelings .
Pose thought-provoking questions that support clients in exploring and expanding beyond limiting thoughts, patterns and stories.
Collaborate with clients to create an ideal plan for growth and moving forward.
Support clients in identifying what still lights them up even in the darkness and discover qualities of their higher Self.
Empower clients to connect with their intuition and will in order to make soul-centered decisions.
Provide opportunities to explore strategies for self-discovery and growth such as imagery, guided meditation, dream work, tarot, and journaling.
Encourage exploration of nature and concepts of the life/death/life cycle .