Growth From Grief

Autumn fades and it becomes time to release the old and rest, in order to prepare for new growth. The trees are shedding their leaves and the roses are going dormant to prepare for new growth next spring. As we enter winter, we are reminded of the cycles of life and death. This also sheds light on any grief that we may be holding. The holiday season can be very challenging for people who are grieving. I view grief as something we grow around, not necessarily through. Other painful experiences we may be able to grow through and leave behind as lessons, but grief is different; it leaves an imprint. This does not mean that there cannot be growth; it may just look different.

Dia de Los Muertos is a beautiful celebration of honoring loved ones. It is an annual celebration and remembrance. I love this idea of honoring our loved ones while also reminding ourselves that we need to live our lives to the fullest. If we were to view growth from grief through the lens of Psychosynthesis, one way would be to look at the qualities of the person we lost and how we could continue to share them with the world. By doing this, we are honoring them. Another idea would be to engage in activities that you both enjoyed and make them a type of ritual or tradition. For example, when my mother-in-law passed away this summer, I planted a rose in her honor. She loved roses and her garden, and I love them too. This act of remembrance felt so good! Most mornings, I go outside, talk to my roses, greet the morning, and take a ton of pictures of the sky and my roses. This has become one of my favorite parts of the day, and she is now a part of my joy.

Everyone grieves differently and there is no “right way” to do it . There also is no “right way” of honoring your loved one; it's for you and them. It could be the smallest gesture but the point is making this act of love a part of your life on a regular basis . So, when we think of growth from grief and honoring our loved ones, what are some things that you could do on an annual, monthly, weekly, or daily basis that would feel good and also keep the spirit of your loved one alive? 

If this is something you would like to explore, I would love to hold space for you in this process. Please feel free to schedule a complimentary coaching session so we can discuss your goals and how I might support you in achieving them.


A Journey of Growth From Death:Honoring the New Year from Endings to New Beginnings


Old Soul Coaching Origin Story