Old Soul Coaching Origin Story
As I embarked on the journey of launching my coaching business, I encountered difficulty selecting a name that truly resonated with its essence. The goal was to capture the overall experience travelers (clients) could expect through working with me. I was all over the place trying to find a name. When I finally allowed my mind to rest and be quiet, things started to come together. One day, I pulled the High Priestess tarot card, and bam, there was the name; Old Soul Coaching. I connected with this name because in a few psychic readings I have had I have been told I was an old soul. This card embodied the qualities of an old soul and the qualities of myself that I want to share with travelers.
How I Define an Old Soul:
As the High Priestess spoke to me, I could feel the deep intensity of the message resonate with me. My definition of an old soul is someone that is not afraid to turn inward for lessons and growth. They are one of deep wisdom and use their intuitive senses to move through the world. They are not afraid of the dark, they embrace it, for in the dark we learn the most about ourselves. They do not live in the light all of the time. They understand that there must be darkness for the moon to shine the brightest in the night sky. The light and the dark are necessary tools for healing, growth, and transformation. Old souls embody a grounded and sacred spirituality, deep presence, and connection to something more. They are very comfortable being alone and quiet. This practice allows guidance from higher sources. Often they are attuned to energy and may be considered empaths due to their compassionate and empathetic ways. They likely observe and listen more than talk. They may be a bit odd and have quite a sense of humor! These are qualities of mine that I love to share with travelers. They allow me to be fully present when guiding a traveler. I use my deep intuitive sense to ask questions that allow travelers to turn inward and reflect. I hold space for the light and dark without judgment and encourage compassion for one's self. As we untangle the limiting patterns and stories, inner wisdom shines through and growth and transformation become a reality.
Research on Old Souls, Destiny, and Psychosynthesis:
One of the qualities of an old soul I embody is the continuous drive to learn. I recently started reading The Old Soul's Guidebook by Ainslie MacLeod; I love this book! As I continued reading I started to notice some common threads that related to what I learned in my Psychosynthesis life coaching certification program. In Psychosynthesis “will and awareness are said to be the closest things to “self”, which is the “manifestation of the Transpersonal Self, an energetic source that is rarely experienced directly yet most Eastern transpersonal psychologies point to its existence ” (Brown 17). I would dare to say that the Higher Self or Self in Psychosynthesis is the Soul. In The Old Soul’s Guidebook, I came across information on a soul's path and destiny. This was especially interesting to me because I have been thinking a lot about purpose and if things in people's lives are meant to be. Based on what I have read so far, the idea is that before the soul comes back to earth, a plan is mapped out for their life and a set of lessons they want to learn in that lifetime. These lessons, tapping into our intuition, and using our will to make choices, support the soul in fulfilling its life path/destiny. This is where I see Psychosynthesis overlapping with this content. The father of Psychosynthesis, Roberto Assagioli, said, " The Soul knows all about it". If the soul knows all about it, then it is going to be on the lookout for opportunities that will allow it to fulfill its destiny. If people are aware that they have a soul or a guiding light, they will likely be listening and seeking out opportunities that they feel called to. Here is an example; I had set out to be a teacher and then things changed and I moved into higher education as an Enrollment Advisor. I did not enjoy this position but I was able to move into a Retention Counselor role which was a much better fit. Through this opportunity, I gained the experience to become a Career Coach! Throughout my years as a Career Coach, I started to consider how to merge my spirituality and love for coaching. I was looking for a way to combine my two passions. Months before I enrolled in the Psychospiritual Institute, I was telling my mom that I would love to be a Spiritual Coach and that I had been thinking about this for quite some time. A few months later I was questioning the security of my job and I asked for guidance, immediately an inner voice said "Look up spiritual coaching programs". I ran downstairs and hopped on the computer and found the Psychospiritual Institute. This was both the start and continuation of my journey.
What I am taking from my reading is that once people acknowledge their will and realize they can make choices that will better their lives, they are ultimately empowering themselves to make soul-centered decisions that can set them on a path to fulfill their life purpose and destiny! Psychosynthesis presents a very similar, if not the same idea. Once we acknowledge our will, we can make choices that allow us to get closer to our true Self(soul) and then embody the qualities of our soul and share them with the world. To me , this translates as sharing our purpose with the world, which in turn would be fulfilling our destiny!
Are you feeling drawn to a certain path and trying to find ways to pursue it? If so, feel free to schedule a FREE discovery call and we can discuss your goals and how I can help you on your journey!
Brown, M. Y. (2004). Unfolding Self: The Practice of Psychosynthesis. Allworth.
MacLeod, A. (2019). The Old Soul's Guidebook: Who You Are, Why You're Here, & How to Navigate Life on Earth. Soul World Press.
Written By : Kelly McMillan , May 18, 2023